Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes cells to build up on the skin's surface, resulting in thick scales and dry, itchy patches. In people with psoriasis, a type of white blood cell called a T cell mistakes healthy cells in the skin for an infection and attacks them. This immune response leads to psoriasis symptoms. Psoriasis is a chronic disease that can vary in severity from mildly irritating to completely disabling. Fortunately, there are numerous treatments available to help clear psoriasis.

By Sandra Ketcham

  1. Bathe every day to remove scales, soothe inflamed skin, and help clear psoriasis. Avoid using harsh soaps and very hot water.
  2. Use moisturizer after bathing to reduce symptoms and ease itching. Oil-based moisturizers may be more effective when the skin is very dry and during cold weather.
  3. Look for possible triggers for your psoriasis. In some cases, infections, allergies, sun exposure, stress, and allergies may trigger or worsen psoriasis. Avoiding these triggers will help clear psoriasis and prevent future flare-ups.
  4. Use a topical corticosteroid cream to clear mild to moderate psoriasis. Topical steroids are the most commonly used medication for mild psoriasis and work by suppressing the immune system and slowing cell turnover. Topical steroids are also effective at reducing inflammation and relieving itching.
  5. Apply a synthetic form of vitamin D to slow cell growth and help clear psoriasis. Calcipotriene is a vitamin D analog cream available by prescription. These medications are often used in conjunction with phototherapy.
  6. Try other topical treatments for psoriasis if steroids and vitamin D analogs fail to clear psoriasis. Athralin helps normalize cell DNA activity and remove skin scale, but this medication stains the skin, clothing, and anything else it meets. Topical retinoids help normalize DNA activity and reduce inflammation, and coal tar reduces swelling and helps with scaling and itching. Calcineurin inhibitors and salicylic acid are other topical treatments to help clear psoriasis.
  7. Undergo light therapy to treat moderate cases of psoriasis. Light therapy, or phototherapy, uses artificial or natural ultraviolet light to kill T cells in the skin. This helps clear psoriasis by slowing cell turnover and reducing scaling. The American Academy of Dermatology states that phototherapy sessions may be required several times a week for four or more weeks before symptoms improve.
  8. Take an oral medication to clear more severe cases of psoriasis. Oral retinoids, methotrexate, cyclosporine, and hydroxyurea are all prescribed for psoriasis treatment in patients who fail to respond to topical treatment or phototherapy. Injectable immunomodulator drugs, such as etanercept, are useful for people with treatment-resistant psoriasis and those with psoriatic arthritis. According to the Mayo Clinic, these medications work by blocking interactions between various immune system cells.

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