Are you suffering from psoriasis and looking for home remedies for psoriasis? Today my Be Psoriasis Free review is written to help you find out how to treat the skin condition once and for all by using a home and natural remedy. Let’s find out!

Why Be Psoriasis Free?              
Psoriasis coming with maddening itch and the silvery scales makes you uncomfortable and self- conscious. You always hide them beneath long sleeve and trousers. It is no matter in the winter but when the summer comes, your Psoriasis will become worse as a result of sweating. You must have tried some methods to get rid of the condition, right? If you find them ineffective, it is time to check out Be PsoriasisFree.

It is a fact that a lot of people have succeeded in ridding themselves of Psoriasis by using this treating system. The method is claimed to reveal home remedies for psoriasis to help eliminate every type of the condition forever. Do you want to try it to fight the disrupted skin condition?

Be Psoriasis Free
How this psoriasis home treatment can guide you how to get rid of psoriasis? Yeah, basically, it is an eBook that teaches you 100% natural way to cure Psoriasis.

The book familiarizes you with the definition of psoriasis and different types of psoriasis in specific and auto immune diseases and allergies in general. From that, you will discover psoriasis is not a skin disease but an autoimmune condition that can be treated permanently by the method featured in this e-book.
You also learn about the impact of foods on psoriasis, what foods you should eat and what food you should avoid to struggle psoriasis and heal your skin  as well as boost your immune system.

By explaining that toxic substances inside your body will make it hard to fully eliminate your psoriasis, the author suggests you should first detoxify your body so that your immune system can recover and work better.

Another important part of the book reveals you ten amazingly little known home remedies for psoriasis. There are many recipes you can use to make your own natural ointments, shampoos, oil rubs which are helpful for treating and preventing the reoccurrence of psoriasis

Be Psoriasis Free tackles not only the appearance but also  the root cause of the skin condition . And whatever types of psoriasis you are suffering, you will be free from the condition forever with using this effective method.  Do you want to discover home remedies for psoriasis and start removing this skin condition right now?

Why To Buy It?
Compared to pharmaceutical products that you use with little cure results, this product is a real economical one. For just $37, you can get access and download the book to your screen instantly and then start eliminating your Psoriasis entirely.

In addition, this psoriasis home treatment is absolutely natural as it doesn’t involve in any use of chemical-overloaded pharmaceutical products and it focuses on your diet, resulting in the long term effects. It is also the safest method for Psoriasis cure.

Plus, you can get the result quickly, though the cure doesn’t come after several days of use. Thus you won’t have to prepare for hiding psoriasis every time you go out soon.
In addition, the psoriasis home treatment brings the permanent cure. As I have mentioned above, the program treats the root cause of this skin condition  by dealing with the immune system and classifying the problem. Hence, the results will last forever.

On the top of that, this product comes with money back guarantee. So, you have nothing to lose when purchase Be Psoriasis Free.
Want to know home remedies for psoriasis to get rid of Psoriasis permanently? You have chance to do that simply. Action now!

Be Psoriasis Free


There are thousands of psoriasis treatments available out there.  But why did I choose this particular program to review? Simple, because it’s getting a lot of attention and the latest results revealed people are satisfied for what it does to their psoriasis.

Cheryl Backinson was the brainchild behind this program. She suffered psoriasis for 10 years and eventually ventured out to find her own natural remedy to fight the condition. Cheryl says she currently has no sign of psoriasis, which took approximately one month after starting the program. The cure of all “cures for psoriasis”? Well let’s find out.

Holistic, is the keyword to be nailed to Cheryl Backinson’s program. 
Be Psoriasis Free anchors to a strict no prescriptions, chemical treatments or expensive visits to specialists. The program’s foundation is built on knowledge of channeling the body’s natural defenses as a weapon against psoriasis.
 click the image to get the Be Psoriasis Free

It’s a three-phase program that promises to treat all types of psoriasis. All phases are layered, carving out a progressive recovery path. It includes cleanse and detoxifying, diet and secret.
Let’s get to the good stuff first. Some of the positive sides of this program:

1.     Works for psoriasis sufferers of all age range group and ethnicity / region
2.     Natural method of treatment for permanent diagnosis
3.     Reported very low probability of psoriasis reoccurrence
4.     Downloadable e-book / resources which you can get right away
5.     Money back guarantee
6.     Free bonuses included with the package

So is Cheryl’s program is really the ultimate cure of all “cures for psoriasis”?
Following are my low points of the program:

1.    If you’re looking for quick fix to cover your legs for a party next week, this might not work
2.   Results takes at least one month for recovery
3.   Needs some sacrifice on your part to change some of your diet and lifestyle.
4.   You are your own captain, no doctors and nurses to monitor your progress (probably you are allowed to contact Katy! I bet she will get back to you)
5.   No easy over-the-counter drugs, you will work on your own home remedies

An array of cures for psoriasis is out there, probably this might be the turning point to your psoriasis problem. 

These points are based on my own personal judgment of the program. I am not asking you to jump right into the wagon and get ready to purchase a copy. My best suggestion is to read the webpage of Get Rid Your Psoriasis before you decide to buy. Hopefully, the best decision can be made finding the best cures for psoriasis. Following is the link to Be Psoriasis Free by Cheryl Backinson:

How To Clear Psoriasis: Topical Treatment for Psoriasis


Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease in which your skin cells grow and shed much more rapidly than normal. The accelerated process causes your skin to become inflamed, uncomfortable and unsightly. Psoriasis is treated through a number of conventional means, including steroid medications, light therapy and oral medicines designed to clear the skin symptoms and keep your immune system from attacking your body further. Honey, applied to the skin topically, may be a natural treatment option.

Healing Characteristics of Honey
Honey may be an alternative form of sweetener, but the viscous fluid is also a natural healing agent. According to Dermnet, an information portal maintained by the New Zealand Dermatological Society, honey has antibacterial properties and contributes to accelerated rates of wound healing. Honey that's applied to wounds, such as the skin lesions or pustules associated with psoriasis, combines with the wound fluids, called exudates, and creates hydrogen peroxide. This chemical reaction prevents bacteria from growing and hastens healing.


Symptoms of Psoriasis

There are many different types of psoriasis; the most common variety is called plaque psoriasis. The consistent symptom throughout all forms of psoriasis is a reddening of the skin and the appearance of lesions. A person with plaque psoriasis has skin that becomes thickened, blistered or shiny where affected, and the lesions may develop scales that flake off. Your skin can be itchy or painful, and the blister-like sores can ooze fluids. Honey can help reduce inflammation of the skin.

Recipe for Topical Treatment
A 2003 issue of "Complementary Therapies in Medicine" mentions a specific combination of natural ingredients that may reduce the inflammation and other symptoms of psoriasis. Though there are no marketed honey-based products specifically indicated or FDA-approved for psoriasis, natural health and home remedy enthusiasts may create their own soothing skin balm to calm irritated skin. Combining cold pressed olive oil, beeswax and raw honey to a lotion-like consistency may be able to replicate the results reported in the journal.

Scientific Results
"Complementary Therapies in Medicine" reported on studies of the effects of honey-based topical treatment for psoriasis. Psoriasis sufferers were given a honey, olive oil and beeswax ointment to use on half their body, while using a control substance made largely from paraffin on the other half. More than 60 percent of the psoriasis patients studied showed a significant improvement in their conditions; factors such as itching, scaling and thickening of the skin, redness and oozing of lesions were assessed. Some participants were already treating their skin symptoms with steroidal applications; after using the honey-based treatment, about half the patients with psoriasis were able to decrease their steroid dosage.

Natural and alternative treatments for psoriasis, including topical applications containing honey, may be an option for some people, but like any medical treatment, effectiveness varies from person to person. The National Psoriasis Foundation acknowledges a range of complementary approaches that might include the use of honey and other natural ingredients as treatment methods, including Indian-based Ayurvedic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, naturopathy and homeopathy. Discuss all of your medications, supplements and treatment decisions with your doctor.


Source: Erica Roth@livestrong

Psoriasis Treatments : Natural Home Treatments For Psoriasis


Caring for Your Psoriasis: Self-Care Tips
Medicines for psoriasis are often invaluable in controlling symptoms. But there are plenty of natural ways to treat psoriasis, too. Try these eight tips to help manage your psoriasis at home.
Psoriasis Self-Care Tip 1: Keep Skin Moist
Using moisturizer is an important part of self-care for psoriasis. Dry skin makes irritation and itchiness caused by psoriasis worse than it needs to be. A vicious cycle can result: dry skin can cause itching and scratching, leading to new psoriasis patches developing on the irritated skin.
The best way to keep skin moist? Apply thick ointments like petroleum jelly (Vaseline) or heavy skin creams everywhere you can reach. Pat yourself dry and put on ointment immediately after getting out of the shower.
If it's not uncomfortable, at bedtime, cover a patch of skin with ointment, and wrap it with a bandage or plastic wrap overnight. In the morning, wash the area gently. Over time, this can reduce scaling.
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Psoriasis Self-Care Tip 2: Bathe, but Beware
Bathing can be another important part of psoriasis self-care, yet frequent bathing can also dry out skin, causing problems. A few tips for bathing with psoriasis:
·         Avoid hot water, which can irritate skin. Use lukewarm water instead.
·         Don’t towel off -- pat yourself dry, then apply moisturizer.
·         Pure water dries skin. Add bathing salts, oil, or oilated oatmeal to bathwater to make it more skin-friendly.
Psoriasis Self-Care Tip 3: Stick to the Plan
It can be messy and inconvenient to slather thick goo onto psoriasis patches, day after day. But consistency is key. If you’ve been prescribed topical therapy, making it part of your routine can improve results. Also, topical therapies avoid the potential side effects of pills or injection treatments for psoriasis.
Psoriasis Self-Care Tip 4: Get Some Sun, With Care

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The ultraviolet light found in sunlight is a proven treatment for psoriasis, but sunburns can make psoriasis worse. Cover unaffected skin with a sunscreen that has an SPF of 30 or higher, and start with some limited sun exposure. Twenty minutes a day for three days a week can be a good start. Talk to your doctor first, because certain psoriasis medicines aren’t safe with high sun exposure. Be sure to protect your eyes from the sun, as well. Wear sunglasses, and make sure they block 100% of UVA and UVB rays.

Psoriasis Self-Care Tip 5: Quit Smoking
You can add psoriasis to the long list of health conditions made worse by smoking. In one study, people who smoked more than a pack a day were twice as likely to have severe psoriasis as those who smoked half a pack or less. Smoking’s negative effect was even stronger in women with psoriasis.
Experts agree that quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do to care for your psoriasis. Don’t forget that quitting smoking also reduces your risk of heart disease, lung disease, cancer, and a host of other health conditions.

Psoriasis Self-Care Tip 6: Drink Moderately, or Not at All

Psoriasis is more common in people who drink alcohol heavily. Men’s psoriasis may be affected more by drinking than women’s. Drinking less may or may not improve psoriasis, but it will improve overall health. More than one drink per day in women, two drinks per day in men, is too much.

Psoriasis Self-Care Tip 7: Consider Diet Changes

In general, there is no solid evidence for any food making psoriasis better or worse. At the same time, many people with psoriasis have claimed improvement after cutting down on certain foods, including sugar, white flour, gluten, and caffeine. There is an association between obesity and psoriasis, and many dermatologists feel a healthy weight can improve psoriasis.
It’s reasonable to experiment by eliminating certain foods, especially less nutritious ones, to see if your own psoriasis improves. And it’s always sensible to maintain a healthy weight by eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables, and exercising frequently.

Psoriasis Self-Care Tip 8: Tend to Your Mental Health

Self-care for psoriasis includes taking care of your mental health. This may be one of the most important and overlooked aspects of psoriasis self-care.
People with psoriasis often feel frustrated by their condition. Social isolation and loneliness, anxiety, and low self-esteem often go along with psoriasis. Many people with moderate to severe psoriasis change their daily routine or give up things they enjoy, due to embarrassment or physical discomfort caused by psoriasis. And people with psoriasis are more likely to become depressed than other people.
If psoriasis is affecting your mental health, ask for help. Speaking with a therapist such as a psychologist or clinical social worker can help you cope with psoriasis’ impact on your life.
Also, consider joining a support group for people with psoriasis. Talking with other people who understand the challenges of living with psoriasis can really help.
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Plaque Psoriasis Natural Treatment


Plaque psoriasis is an autoimmune skin condition that plagues 5.5 million people worldwide. If you're one of them, you've probably been hiding those red, scaly patches under long-sleeved clothing year-round. Find out how to heal plaque psoriasis naturally so you can be proud to show your skin off to the world.
What is Plaque Psoriasis?
Plaque psoriasis is the result of a rapid multiplication of skin cells on the epidermis (top layer of the skin) resulting in scaly, circular red patches on the trunk, arms, elbows and knees. During a flare-up, this skin condition can cause painful burning and itching.
Some people with plaque psoriasis also notice pits, indentations or discoloration in their fingernails. The fingernails may even separate from the nail bed itself.
What Causes it?
Studies show the cause can be hereditary. When a parent suffers from this inflammatory skin condition, the chances of the child developing it increase by 50 percent.
Outside environmental influences such as alcoholism, smoking, food intolerances, extreme sun exposure, stress and HIV infection can make symptoms worse.
How to Heal Plaque Psoriasis Naturally
Change Your Diet
Diet plays a major role in the health of your immune system. If your daily fare consists mostly of pre-packed, processed and fast foods, your symptoms may never go away. As with any autoimmune disease, your body needs fresh, whole food to heal and get strong.
Opt for foods such as:
·         Organic Vegetables and Fruit
·         Organic Meat, Poultry and Fish
·         Beans and Legumes (In a Bag, Not a Can)
·         Nuts and Seeds
·         Water, Organic Fruit Juice, Green Tea
Gluten and Lactose Intolerance
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye and oats. If you're suffering from plaque psoriasis, you may be intolerant to gluten. Hidden lactose intolerance may also cause flare-ups. Remove all traces of both from your diet for one month to see if symptoms improve naturally.
Get Rid of Synthetic Cleaning Products and Cosmetics
If you have plaque psoriasis, your immune system is already very sensitive. Take a look at your household cleaning products. If they contain ingredients such as propylene glycol, ethylene glycol, methylene chloride or phosphates, you could be giving your immune system a run for its money each time you clean.
The same goes for your hair-care products, lotions and other cosmetics. Most commercial products contain harmful additives that tax the immune system and have even been reported to cause cancer.
Switch to organic household cleaning products or make your own. As for cosmetics, there are plenty of natural alternatives to choose from and they work just as well if not better than what you're using now.
Natural Supplements for Plaque Psoriasis
Anybody with an autoimmune disorder should be on probiotics. They are the live, active cultures found in foods like yogurt, kefir and fermented foods. Since gut and skin health are so closely related, it's important to start on a good-quality probiotic of at least 5-10 billion CFUs (colony forming units). They may give you diarrhea at first. This is just your body's way of cleaning out built-up toxins.
Krill Oil
Krill oil is similar to fish oil only it's stronger and doesn't go rancid as fast. The omega-3 fatty acids found in krill oil can reduce the chronic inflammation associated with plaque psoriasis and support your immune system.
Vitamin D3
If you tend to avoid the sun because of your flare-ups, you need to get on a vitamin D3 supplement to compensate. To get the most benefit, start with 1,000 IUs (international units) each day and work up to 4,000 IUs.
Soothing Topical Treatments
Sea Salt
Immersing yourself in a sea salt bath is a soothing way to dry out the red, scaly patches caused by plaque psoriasis.
Epsom Salt
Sinking into an Epsom salt bath will not only relieve the itch and burn, it will naturally draw toxins from your body and help you feel relaxed. (If you are pregnant, diabetic or allergic to sulfur, you should not use Epsom salt.)
Calendula is a natural homeopathic remedy that can be applied to the skin to relieve itching and pain.
Vitamin E
Natural vitamin E oil can work to sooth irritation and prevent scarring.
If you're currently taking prescription medication, be sure to consult your doctor before starting natural supplements.
If you're embarrassed, frustrated and in pain from your plaque psoriasis, you're not alone. These natural treatments can help you feel better in no time.
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How to Clear Scalp Psoriasis : Treatment


Yes, scalp psoriasis can be controlled. There are many treatments for scalp psoriasis. Some people get relief from a medicated shampoo or solution that can be purchased without a prescription. But scalp psoriasis can be stubborn. Many people see a dermatologist for treatment.

Diagnosis: The First Step in Successfully Treating Scalp Psoriasis
Before prescribing treatment for scalp psoriasis, a dermatologist will examine your scalp. Usually a dermatologist will simply look at the scalp and make the diagnosis.

Sometimes scalp psoriasis can look like another skin condition, and a dermatologist will remove a bit of skin and send the skin to a lab. The lab report will tell the dermatologist whether the condition is scalp psoriasis. Your dermatologist may refer to this process as a biopsy. A dermatologist can safely and quickly perform a biopsy in the office. 

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Scalp Psoriasis Treatments
The treatments that dermatologists prescribe for their patients who have scalp psoriasis can be divided into these categories:
·  Medication applied to the scalp. This is the most commonly prescribed treatment for scalp psoriasis. Your dermatologist may call it a “topical.” These medications include:
o Corticosteroid (may be called a steroid
o Calcipotriol/calcipotriene
o Tazarotene

A corticosteroid that can be applied to the scalp is the mainstay treatment for scalp psoriasis.

Studies show that a corticosteroid is more effective than any other treatment that you can apply to the scalp. It is prescribed for a short period of time and works quickly to clear the scalp.

Topical corticosteroids are safe when used as directed. Because side effects can occur with long-term use, other medications may be used to keep the scalp clear. These medications include calcipotriol/calcipotriene and tazarotene.
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·Medicated shampoos. A shampoo may be part of your treatment plan. For people who have moderate to severe psoriasis on their scalp, a dermatologist may prescribe a psoriasis shampoo that contains clobetasol propionate. While clobetasol propionate is a strong corticosteroid, studies show that when used in a shampoo, it can provide safe and effective treatment for scalp psoriasis.

In studies, patients have been able to use a psoriasis shampoo containing clobetasol propionate daily for as long as 4 weeks. If the scalp responds, the shampoo can be used once or twice a week to maintain the results.
·    Scale softeners. Psoriasis can be thick, which makes it difficult for topical (applied to the scalp) treatment to work. Applying a scale softener to the psoriasis can help. A product that contains salicylic acid can soften the thick, stubborn patches of psoriasis. Studies show that topical corticosteroids can produce better results when a patient also uses salicylic acid.
·    Injections. Some patients receive injections of corticosteroids. Your dermatologist may call this treatment an “intralesional corticosteroid” because the corticosteroid is injected into the psoriasis.
·    Light treatments. When scalp psoriasis does not clear with treatment that is applied to the scalp, light treatments may be an option. Your dermatologist may call this type of treatment “phototherapy.”

Until recently, light treatments were not useful for scalp psoriasis unless the person was bald or had very thin hair. Thanks to recent advances, even people with thick hair can have light treatments on their scalp. Some patients are treated with a UV comb. Others receive laser therapy.
·    Biologics and other medicines that work throughout the body.Scalp psoriasis can be stubborn. Sometimes it does not respond to topical (applied to the scalp) medicine or light treatments. When a patient needs aggressive treatment, a dermatologist may prescribe a medication that works on the immune system. Some of these medications come in pill form. Others require self-injections. Sometimes the medicine is given by infusion, which requires the patient to go to a hospital or psoriasis treatment center.

      Medication that may be prescribed         for aggressive treatment of scalp             psoriasis includes:
·  Oral (taken by mouth) retinoids
·  Methotrexate
·  Cyclosporine
·  Biologic (medicine that works on the immune system and is given as a shot or intravenously)
Most cases of scalp psoriasis can be effectively treated. Sometimes treatment requires using more than one treatment option. Dermatologists have the expertise required to combine these treatments and minimize side effects.

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